Stop Stripe disputes or merchant account chargebacks before they happen, automate your responses, get real-time data, and save your payment processing
Is your funnel being hit with fraudulent disputes that jeopardize your Stripe gateway or traditional merchant account?
Do you find yourself spending your valuable time disputing chargebacks that were caused by unscrupulous clients or honest mistakes?
Gateway Funnel Pros knows…
- Gateway Funnel Pros knows ClickFunnels… We are the preferred Click Funnels alternative payment gateway provider. – We know Click Funnels. – We are personally recommended by Russel Brunson. – We use Click Funnels ourselves. We know it inside and out.
- Gateway Funnel Pros knows Stripe… Now, just because we are the big dogs in terms of alternative payment gateways this DOES NOT mean that you need to use our payment gateway to use our dispute prevention and management services. As a matter of fact, our dispute program is DESIGNED to work perfectly with Stripe.
Gateway Funnel Pros knows traditional merchant accounts… With over 10 years experience in payment processing, we have seen it all. We understand traditional merchant accounts, high risk merchant accounts and how chargebacks can destroy your payment processing. - Gateway Funnel Pros knows disputes… Our founder and fearless leader, Alex Roy, has been studying chargebacks for 10 years. His background in software integrations, technology, payment gateways and high-risk Click Funnels merchant accounts means that the advice you get from our team will be the right advice.
Gateway Funnel Pros knows how to prevent disputes before they happen… Our Disputes Prevention Program integrates DIRECTLY with most of your customer’s credit card companies. So…. Let’s say you get a fraudulent order and your “customer” is someone who just LOVES to dispute EVERYTHING. Well, based on how the settings are checked off – we can take that fraudulent sale and refund it immediately thereby PREVENTING a dispute before it happens. Gateway Funnel Pros knows that refunds are better than disputes… Our system also works when you make an honest mistake. Let’s say you ship the wrong product and your customer calls their credit card company BEFORE they call you. In the past this would mean a dispute, but with our dispute system we can automatically refund the customer and SAVE YOU the cost of the dispute fee. - Gateway Funnel Pros knows how to cancel bad recurring billings AUTOMATICALLY… Have you ever had a dispute as part of one of your monthly recurring billing programs? Well, you know that customers don’t like being charged again after they initiated a dispute – even if they never called you. Well. Our system PREVENTS this from happening, once a customer of yours files a dispute, our system can CANCEL their recurring billing automatically – even in Stripe. This can SAVE your merchant account.
Gateway Funnel Pros knows how to automate dispute replies and chargebacks… We hear from tons of Click Funnels entrepreneurs who are frustrated with friendly fraud and sometimes the less than honest reasons they are slapped with a dispute. What adds insult to injury – what really rubs salt in the ROI wound – is that not only are they losing money, paying dispute fees and risking their merchant account, they are often spending HOURS managing their chargeback disputes and replies. Our automated system can integrate with your customer’s credit card provider and approve or reply to a dispute for you. Now.. That’s efficient.
Gateway Funnel Pros’ Dispute Prevention and Response Program saves time and money.
Because we can help prevent dispute fees by stopping a dispute before it is filed and we can save you hours responding to dispute our system often pays for itself.
Contact us today for help with your disputes, we will answer all your questions and provide you with all the details in writing.
How much does it cost?
- One Time setup fee of $100
- Monthly Fee $29.95 per merchant account/Stripe gateway
- $10 for every automated dispute response
$40 for each successfully prevented dispute $30 for Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry and Order Insight Case No early termination fee, you can cancel at anytime.
So.. What Now?
It’s simple…. Click here to sign up now
Ready to Get Started?
Toll Free: 1.833.227.7671
Stripe dispute mitigation, chargeback prevention, reporting, and response automation: How it works…
- We can PREVENT a bunch of Stripe disputes or merchant account chargebacks before they happen.
Do you have more than one account? Add unlimited merchant accounts/gateways. - We can SAVE YOU ON DISPUTE AND CHARGEBACK FEES.
- We PROTECT your Stripe gateway or merchant account and your Click Funnels business by AUTOMATICALLY resolving customer disputes!
We will add your accounts to our systems and automatically connect them with HUNDREDS of credit card issuers. Then, once a customer of yours goes to dispute a transaction through one of the supported credit card companies – the dispute can be STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS. THIS IS DISPUTE MITIGATION… THIS IS HIGH-LEVEL CHARGEBACK PREVENTION… This is the future of managing disputes in your funnel. Our systems will notify you, refund the order, and allow you to STOP FULFILLMENT. This means you will no longer have to provide services or ship products to folks – only to find out a day later they disputed the transaction. THE Gateway Funnel Pro’s dispute system IS A GAME CHANGER for your funnel’s profitability. IT CAN SAVE you from having your funnel’s cash flow choked off due to a credit card processing shutdown.
- Do Stripe disputes keep you up at night worrying if your merchant account is about to be shut down?
- Well, knowledge is power, and we can give you the power to manage your disputes, automatically get notifications about your disputes, and set custom trigger points that will send you a CODE RED alert any time you get hit with a spike in dispute requests.
- YOU control your alerts. Do you want to know every time someone tries to chargeback a sale? How about only when your dispute percentage spikes? With Gateway Funnel Pros’ Stripe dispute alerts, you will be in control of your funnel and your merchant account.
Step Three – Ready to Fight? When you AUTOMATE disputes, you can DOMINATE your industry
- Manually reviewing and fighting every Stripe dispute takes time. Too much time. Time you should be spending growing your business. Time better-spent marketing… time better-spent training… time better spent growing your Click Funnels business.
- Now… With Gateway Funnel Pros’ Stripe dispute automation you can fight chargeback, fight Stripe disputes without waiting for notifications… Without logging into 3 different systems… Without taking up your precious time as an entrepreneur.
- You can set up your dispute system to FIGHT for you. AUTOMATICALLY. Our data shows you should probably fight 8 out of 10 chargebacks. Our internal systems know which chargeback codes you should fight. Our systems know which credit card companies are most likely to fight fair. We put all the VALUABLE DATA to work for you.
Our system has shown a 75% win rate. This means clients often get a 900% RETURN ON THEIR INVESTMENT by signing up with us.
Please note: Certain traditional merchant accounts do not allow the same level of automation as Stripe. Therefore, depending on your merchant account provider, some manual actions may be necessary to fully benefit from this program.
- Save Money
- Save Time
- Save your Stripe Account
Save your Traditional Merchant Account Grow your ClickFunnels Business